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Standlake F2 - 27/02/22

The Standlake 2022 season opener raised a slightly lower than expected entry of 22 cars, with several regulars not making it out in time for the early season start.  Amongst those in attendance there were debut outings for ex-Prod A racer 61 James Watts alongside 245 Kyle Broadway and 255 Joshua Heffer, while 253 Charlie Heffer made his first Standlake appearance following a couple of Swaffham outings last year.




20 cars took to the track for heat 1, with 713 Liam Cornish sadly not making it any further than the pits all day.  Pole sitter 210 Patrick Somerton led the field into turn 1 ahead of 6 Tyler Newman and 7 Josh Cornish.  Newman dropped back to 4th shortly afterwards as he was passed by Cornish and 623 Rob Dobie on the back straight, before the latter spun into turn 3 and slipped down the order.  This moved 254 Harry Heffer up into 3rd as he passed 521 Phil Trigg and Newman around turns 3 and 4.

856 Paul Webb was the first red grader to break into the top 10 as he moved 82 Keith Richens wide on turn 3 before 280 Pete Webb dropped back into the clutches of 352 Andy and 421 Gary Webb and found himself out of the places.  Newman was then reeled in by 776 James Trigg and 716 Jim Muckian on turns 1 and 2 as the #6 car slotted into 7th.  Muckian then made a move on both Triggs on the back straight as he climbed up into 4th, although James Trigg briefly retook the place before losing it back on the following lap.

Harry Heffer snatched 2nd from Cornish into turn 1 as Paul Webb moved ahead of Newman for 7th.  Muckian moved Heffer wide for 2nd on turn 1, as Cornish was a spinner on turn 2.  This allowed James Trigg up into 3rd and Paul Webb 4th as the 254 car dropped to 5th.  105 Louis Williams gained on Andy Webb for 9th while Trigg lost 3rd to Paul Webb and Newman took 5th from Heffer on the back straight, before regaining a place on Trigg for 4th.

Somerton’s lead had now stretched out to the length of a straight, before Richens then spun on turn 2 and as the lap boards came out Williams climbed up into 5th ahead of Newman as James Trigg dropped back down the places before retiring late on.  Williams, Newman and Heffer all swapped places several times within a lap as the trio battled over 4th place, with Newman briefly gaining the upper hand. 

As Somerton’s lead was gradually eaten away by Muckian, the latter made a pass for the lead with 3 laps remaining on turn 2.  Williams reclaimed 4th from Newman as Andy Webb retired from 9th.  Late on Paul Webb was able to reel in Somerton for 2nd as Gary Webb passed Pete Webb for 6th.  Muckian’s lead was comfortable however and he came through to open his account for the season ahead of Paul Webb and Somerton.

Result: 716, 856, 210, 105, 6, 421, 280, 521, 82, 623


Heat 2 again raised 20 cars and this time Newman took the early lead ahead of Charlie Heffer and 542 Martin Chant.  Harry Heffer was an early spinner on turn 4 as Dobie moved ahead of 321 Maisie Emms on turn 3 and Joshua Heffer gained on Josh Cornish into turn 1.

Phil Trigg moved up into 2nd as he passed Chant and Charlie Heffer, the latter slipping back to 4th behind the 542 car as Dobie gained on Watts for 7th.  Joshua and Charlie Heffer swapped places on turn 2, although both were then passed by Cornish later in the lap.  Pete Webb reeled in Dobie on turn 3 to take 7th place as Chant snatched 2nd from Phil Trigg on the exit of turn 2.  Webb continued his progress as he gained on Charlie Heffer down the back straight and Jess Webb passed Dobie into turn 1.

Richens then spun on the home straight as Watts moved up ahead of Cornish into 4th and Paul Webb picked off Charlie Heffer to slot into 8th.  Cornish then lost out to Pete Webb on turn 2 as Jess and Gary Webb exchanged positions, the latter also dropping back behind Williams as the 105 car made a move into turn 1.  Watts’ progress continued as he passed Phil Trigg for 3rd, the latter spinning onto the infield shortly afterwards while James Trigg claimed 10th from Gary Webb.

Out front Newman was now making his way through lapped traffic as his lead extended out to almost half a lap.  Watts moved into 2nd as he dived under Chant on turn 2 and Cornish lost 3rd to Paul Webb on the same corner.  Williams outpaced Pete Webb on the back straight for 6th while Cornish made a move and retook the position from Paul Webb as the pair exited turn 4.  Richens spun for the 2nd time as he got caught in the Cornish/Webb battle, the 856 car being slowly briefly which allowed Williams up into 4th.

Gary Webb has managed to climb up several places in amongst all this and he was next to challenge Paul Webb and took 5th as Cornish dropped back slightly and found himself in 8th behind James Trigg.  Chant lost 3rd to Williams on the exit of turn 2 as Gary Webb came under attack from Paul Webb and James Trigg on turn 3, dropping him to 7th as the 3 lap board came out.  Jess Webb was another spinner as she ended up on the infield at turn 2, while Chant slipped to 5th behind Paul Webb and Muckian passed Pete Webb for 9th further down the field.

On the final lap Chant collected an infield tyre as he battled with James Trigg over 5th place, which dropped him out of the race.  Cornish made a late move for 6th passing Gary Webb while Newman came round to take the flag and what was a very large winning margin for his first ever win; such had been his pace, only 7 cars remaining on the lead lap.  Watts held on for 2nd ahead of Williams in 3rd.  Cornish’s meeting was to end as he crossed the line, suffering a blown engine after what had been his best finish in an F2 to date.

Result: 6, 61, 105, 856, 776, 7, 421, 716, 280, 521


The 19-car final saw pole-sitter Watts take the lead into turn 1 ahead of Newman and Chant as Dobie passed Emms into the same corner for 5th.  Chant claimed 2nd from Newman, passing the #6 car around the outside, before taking to the front with a move on Watts into turn 1.  Phil Trigg moved underneath Newman on turn 2 for 3rd, the pair then coming under attack from Dobie who passed both down the back straight.

James Trigg passed Pete Webb into turn 1 to move into 7th, the latter also losing out to Muckian on turn 2.  Up front Watts retook the lead from Chant on turn 3 as Pete and Paul Webb exchanged places for 9th.  Emms lost 6th to James Trigg into turn 1 as Paul Webb passed Muckian on the back straight to sit 8th.  Trigg then passed Dobie for 5th as Muckian dived underneath Emms on the home straight and the 623 car came under attack from the chasing red grade, as Paul and Gary Webb along with Muckian made moves through.

Newman bested Chant for 2nd, the latter then finding himself passed by Phil and James Trigg on turn 3 although James slowed after this and retired soon afterwards.  Paul Webb then claimed 4th from Chant on turn 2 before reeling in Phil Trigg on the back straight to sit 3rd.  Williams passed Pete Webb for 6th as Harry Heffer spun on turn 4, before Chant the lost out to Williams on turn 2.  Emms spun across the start line and left Broadway with nowhere to go other than straight into the side of the 321 car, bringing out the red flags.

As the green flag dropped on the restart with 8 laps remaining, several were slow away – Newman lost 3 places in quick succession as Paul Webb came through for 2nd with Gary Webb 3rd.  As the next lap started, Watts lost the lead to Paul Webb on turn 2 while Andy Webb and Muckian gained on Chant for 6th and 7th respectively.  Williams was next to make a move on Watts into turn 3, which left the 61 car under attack from Gary and Andy Webb and Newman behind him as he dropped down to 6th.

Muckian then picked off Newman before passing Andy Webb on the back straight, but immediately came back under attack from the pair who retook their places as the group came around turns 3 and 4.  Jess Webb moved Chant wide for 10th into turn 3 as Muckian again passed Newman on the back straight and this time made it stick.

With 3 laps remaining Gary Webb snatched 2nd from Williams on turn 2, who then slowed and pulled on to the infield out of the race.  This allowed Andy Webb to inherit 3rd as Watts spun on the exit of turn 4, before Muckian continued his progress as he reeled in Andy Webb in the closing stages to snatch 3rd

Paul Webb retained a comfortable lead to come through for his first win of the season ahead of Gary Webb and Muckian, while behind them Harry Heffer gained on Newman to slot into 5th as Pete Webb spun on the last corner and dropped out of the top 10, while Jess Webb moved ahead of Newman and Richens claimed 8th from Chant right at the end.

Result: 856, 421, 716, 352, 254, 185, 6, 82, 542, 253


A slightly depleted field of 15 cars made it out for the Grand National which started with Charlie Heffer leading the field into turn 1, although his lead was short lived as Newman was able to dive underneath on the exit of turn 2 and take over at the front.  Heffer then dropped to 3rd by turn 3 as Chant moved up into 2nd, while Harry Heffer jumped to 4th as he reeled in Dobie and Watts on the same corner.

Harry and Charlie Heffer then swapped places for 3rd on turn 4 as Watts got back ahead of Dobie on turn 3 just behind them., with the latter then losing out to James Trigg on turn 4 for 5th.  Trigg then bested Watts a lap later as Jess Webb moved ahead of Dobie on the back straight.  Charlie Heffer lost 3rd to Trigg on turn 2 and Jess Webb reeled in Watts and Williams moved Dobie wide on turn 3.

Harry Heffer took 2nd from Chant while the 253 car found himself stuck on the outside line as first Jess Webb and then Watts and Williams were able to come through on turns 3 and 4, to move up to 5th-7th respectively.  Andy Webb picked off Dobie on turn 1 for 8th before Williams gained 6th from Watts into the first turn.  Chant lost out to Jess Webb and Williams on the back straight as Paul Webb passed Richens for 9th as he tried to make up ground from the handicap start.

Newman’s lead began to open out at this point as those behind him swapped places.  James Trigg moved Harry Heffer wide for 2nd on turn 3, leaving the latter open to a move from Jess Webb into turn 1 as she claimed 3rd spot.  Williams then also gained on the 254 car for 4th as Gary Webb retired and Richens passed Watts for 7th.

In the final couple of laps Paul passed Andy Webb for 5th as Harry Heffer hit a tyre on turn 1 and dropped outside the top 10.  No one could get anywhere near Newman however, as he came through for his 2nd win of the day ahead of James Trigg and Jess Webb, who just held off a last bend hit from Williams to hold on for 3rd.

Result: 6, 776, 185, 105, 856, 352, 82, 61, 280, 623


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